- Description
- Local suicide prevention organization
- Programs / Services
- Sites
- Sarnia Lambton Suicide Prevention
1086 Modeland Rd, 2nd Flr, Bldg 1030, Sarnia
- Sarnia Lambton Suicide Prevention
- Legal Status
- Nonprofit - Incorporated
- Web Site
- https://www.sarnialambtonsuicideprevention.com
- slsuicideprevention@gmail.com
- Office
- 519-336-3000
- Crisis
- 519-336-3445 - Mental Health First Response Team
- Crisis
- 1-888-347-8737 - 1-888-DISTRES
- Crisis
- 686868 - Text HOME to 686868
- Address
- 1086 Modeland Rd, 2nd Flr, Bldg 1030
Sarnia, ON, N7S 6L2
Canada - Hours of Operation
No set hours